Our Mission

To provide the skills & knowledge to the youth so that they can recognize and use the resources around them for their holistic empowerment.

The purpose of establishing this foundation was to provide assistance to our community.

As a parent who has personally faced challenges in believing in myself, I felt compelled to create this foundation.

I envisioned a collaborative effort between our community and other organizations grappling with similar issues to support our children, who are future leaders. The primary objective is to safeguard them from harm, as many engage in behavior that is detrimental to themselves or their community. Our concerns are centered on addressing the needs of children and providing support to parents and peers. These concerns include family matters, substance abuse, divorce, a sense of superiority leading to misguided decisions, seeking shortcuts by comparing oneself to celebrities, inadequate spiritual and cultural education, and the impact of the 2021 pandemic lockdown on mental health.

3 black young men working

My name is Jean Baptiste Nganizi. I was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and left in 2005 due to the war in neighboring Uganda. I arrived in the United States of America in 2014 with my wife, Jacqueline Gateneza, and we are proud parents of five children.

We settled in Boise, Idaho, and have resided here since. Growing up, I experienced various hardships and witnessed both positive and negative occurrences, primarily involving children between the ages of 10 and 18. As parents, police leaders, educational ministers, spiritual leaders, and government officials, we must unite to support and guide our children toward a successful future.

Young black boy

Therefore, I proposed this idea to help our community and requested the collaboration of the aforementioned parties. Our innocent children require our collective assistance to lead fulfilling lives. Thank you for your attention.


Jean Baptiste Nganizi

What We Do

Maendeleo Youth is dedicated to empowering the youth through various initiatives, including training, coaching, and counseling, among other measures.

We have distinctive measures to encourage youth participation in our programs and services. The foundation has always recognized the need for holistic approaches to support marginalized groups, and we continue to pursue this effort. Through our commitment to research and healthcare, we provide academic quality care to all members of the community, regardless of financial limitations. We strive to serve underinsured, underserved, and indigent individuals locally.

group of black youth sitting on a step

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There are various way you can be part of our great initiative. Please contact us for more details.

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Get Involved

There are various way you can be part of our great initiative. Please contact us for more details.